Applock for android. How to lock apps in android.

Applock for android.How to lock apps in android. 

Welocome back. Do you want to lock your apps in your mobile. Yes it is possible. We can lock our apps in android mobile. For this you have to download a third party application. I will show step by step tutorial of settings of these app. In this post im going to show how to lock apps in android. I will say in step by step.

Step 1:

To lock the apps download the application. Its name is applock. To download the app Click here.After downloading it open the app and set the lock. The app looks like this

Step 2:

Scroll down and click on any lock button from these
And then give permissions. After givibg permissions you can easily lock your apps.

Now your apps have been locked.

In this way you can lock your apps🔥🔥.


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